Spirit Wear Wholesale
Spirit Wear Wholesale
These will be a 12-15 business day turn around time.
If you purchased a mockup, you'll receive a $1 discount for the first 6 shirts purchased.
Name(s) can be added on the back as optional.
Shirts to be used: Unisex Bella & Canvas, Gildan Softstyle (or equal)
Sweatshirts to be Unisex Softstyle Crewneck Sweatshirt
Please choose two color options for the short color. All efforts will be made to provide preferred color, however due to a short shortage, the 2nd color choice may be utilized.
If interested in other mascot/colors, please request on the request listing and they will be added here! Football, Cheer and Band will be available with any mascot/colors, other sports/organizations will take some time, but get those requests in! (https://www.laskeco.com/products/spirit-wear-requests-wholesale)